EDUCATOR: Ms. Usha Panwar was selected as the Educator this Week. She shared her views on the ways of handling
pressure. She suggested the students to stay calm and utilize their time wisely.

PARENT: Ms. Sajjan Kunwar m/o Komal Kunwar/ VII was selected as the Parent this Week. She shared her views and suggested the students to work hard as they have got the opportunity to study in The Fabindia School. She wished that all the students should soar high up and be meritorious.
[Editor: ED, Sajan Kanwar: SK]
SK: My one
ward is studying here.
ED: What do you expect
from your ward?
SK: I want that my child
should become an executive and achieve a lot in her life.
ED: What do you expect
from the school?
SK: I want teachers
should focus on every student and every student of The Fabindia School should soar high up and be a meritorious student.
ED: Do you like our school?
SK: I love this school because I like the environment of the school.
ED: What message would
you like to give to the students?
SK: I want to tell all
the students that they should work hard and make their parents and school proud.
ED: Have you achieved
your goal?
SK: I haven't achieved anything, but I want my child to achieve her goals and whatever she desires.
Triangular Friendship
We are three,in a group.
Sides are three,in a triangle.
Triangle is a polygon,we are a protective zone,for each other.
Triangle need three elements be ,to be congruent.
We need three friends to,create triangular friendship.
Triangle is only found,when we join three vertices.
And triangular friendship is only found,when three friends get bound with each other.
If two creates problems,third solves the problem.
That's why,the group of three friends,is always the best.
Vinita Sirvi/ IX B/ GH
Monday, 26th November: Revision work was going on for UT III the whole week which is going to start in the commencing week.
Saturday, 8th December: The students write stories/ poems every month on Launchora. One story/ poem is selected every month and the student is given a prize of 52 cards. November poem of Vinita Sirvi / IX was selected. The title of her poem was Triangular Friendship.
Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal,, Ms Swabhi Parmar, Mr Jafar Khan, Harsha Suthar, Anumesh Rao, Ipshita Rathore, Archana Koratkar, Meenakshi Choudhary, Vinita Sirvi, Charu Vaishnav, Rohit Vaishnav & Ronak Devda.