The School Weekly 3rd February 2025

News & Events
Little Championship Day Special
The Fabindia School celebrated Little Champions Day 2.0 this week. The Sports Day events were held for two days. On the first day Grade Nursery and LKG children played. On the second day, Grade UKG and 1st got the chance to perform. 
During the events they enjoyed fun games such as Glass and Ball Race,  Hurdle Race, Pack the Bag Race, Spoon and Lemon Race, Fifty metre Race, etc. On this occasion, we invited the parents to come & encourage their children. They appreciated the children's efforts. The Sports Team planned some games for the parents so that they may also recall their childhood memories. At last honourable Officiating Principal Bharti Rao rewarded the winners with Medals and Certificates. It was a grand day for everyone in the school as well as for the parents. It was highly successful just because of the teamwork of The Fabindia and the cooperation of the parents.
Interview with Ms. Jyoti Sain(Educator)
REPORTERS/RP - Mohita Solanki and Vijeta Solanki 
RP: How have relationships between teachers, students, and parents developed during your tenure?
JSN: During my tenure, relationships between teachers, students, and parents have become more collaborative and communicative. Earlier, education was limited to the classroom, but now parents are also actively participating in the educational process. Regular meetings, communication, and continuous contact between teachers and parents through technology have strengthened this relationship. All three stakeholders are working together to ensure the overall progress of students.
RP: What makes The Fabindia School a special place for students and teachers?
JSN: The Fabindia School holds a special place due to its inclusive and innovative education system. Here, the emphasis is not only on textbooks but also on practical knowledge, co-curricular activities, and moral values. Teachers get an inspiring and collaborative environment where they are encouraged to adopt new teaching methods. Students are connected to project-based learning, arts, sports, and social work to make them self-dependent and confident.
RP: How do you think The Fabindia School empowers students from rural backgrounds?
JSN: The Fabindia School plays a vital role in empowering students from rural backgrounds by providing them with quality education. The school educates students not only with modern teaching methods and vocational skills but also prepares them for leadership roles in society. Facilities like scholarships, digital education, and practical training provide golden opportunities for students with limited resources.
RP: Any advice or suggestions for students?
JSN: Students should always remain curious and eager to learn new things. Don't limit yourself to textbooks; participate in practical knowledge, skill development, and co-curricular activities. Respect your teachers' and parents' advice and make discipline, hard work, and self-confidence are the keys to your success. Most importantly, keep working towards fulfilling your dreams and never give up.
1. Cows don’t actually have four stomachs; they have one stomach with four compartments. 
2. A tiger's skin is actually striped, just like their fur. Also, no two fur patterns are alike.
3. Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world: They kill more people than any other creature due to the diseases they carry. 
4. The first footprints on the moon will remain there for millions of years.
5. Humans could never land on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune because they are made of gas and have no solid surface.
1. I change shape but never disappear. I can be solid, liquid, or gas, and I’m found everywhere. What am I?
Answer: Water
2. I’m hot and bright, but don’t touch! I shoot up from the Earth in a big rush. What am I?
Answer: A volcano
3. What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?
Answer: Lunch and dinner.
4. I make a loud sound when I’m changing. When I do change, I get bigger but weight less. What am I?
Answer: Popcorn.
5. What kind of coat can be put on only when wet?
Answer: A coat of paint.
Why did the little one bring a ladder to the soccer game? To make sure they could score high!
What's a small child's favorite baseball position? Shortstop, because they're always running out of patience!
Why did the kid get benched during basketball practice? For too many traveling violations... to the snack table!
What's a preschooler's favorite part of playing football? The halftime show, because that's when the juice boxes come out!
Why did the little tyke get lost on the golf course? They couldn't find the tee... or their way out of the sand trap!

Editorial In-charge: Anshuman Singh
Chief Editors: Leesha Suthar, Tamanna Solanki.
Interview Reporters: Siddhi Solanki, Vijita Solanki, Aaradhya Champawat, Mohita Solanki.
Event Reporters: Bhumika Rathore, Tanya Tripash.
Photographers: Suman, Tanishka Suthar, Tiya Sompura, Kesar Sompura.
Article: Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion, Chelsi Rao, Hetal Vaishnav.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni.

Volume No. 622 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar,  Ms. Tejal Soni, Mr. Krishna Gopal Dave  

The School Weekly 27th January 2025

 News & Events 
This week, the Kindergarten welcomed two special guests from England: Ms. Sue Eland and Ms. Carole Howlett.
Ms. Sue, a retired Principal, brought her extensive experience of over forty years in teaching Primary and Pre-Primary children. With her exceptional knowledge of Jolly Phonics, she shared valuable insights with our teachers, guiding them on how to enhance young learners' Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing (LSRW) Skills.
Along with her came another courageous personality, Ms. Carole, a retired British Police Officer from the United Kingdom. She spends time with our tiny tots, helping them develop their speaking skills through rhymes in a British accent.
It has been an enriching experience for all the teachers and children, as they are learning from such inspiring personalities.
 Republic Day Celebration 
On 26th January 2025, the children of our school participated in various activities to celebrate Republic Day. They worked hard preparing for the celebrations, including the Grand Parade and Dance Performance at High School. Their dedication paid off as the school was awarded 1st Position in both the Parade and Dance Competition, organized at the High School. The students showcased great enthusiasm, discipline, and talent, making the event memorable. The victory in both categories is a proud moment for the school, reflecting the hard work and spirit of the children.
• स्कूल एक ऐसी जगह है जहाँ बच्चों का भविष्य बनाया जाता है।
• यह एक मंदिर के समान है।
• यहाँ सभी को समान दर्जा दिया जाता है।
• स्कूल में रोज कुछ न कुछ नया सीखने को मिलता है।
• स्कूल में पढ़ाई के अलावा भी बहुत से कार्यक्रम होते हैं।
• हम अपने शिक्षकों का सम्मान करते हैं।
• स्कूल में रोज सुबह प्रार्थना होती है।
किशन चौधरी / III
 Good Habits 
We all need good habits in our daily lives, like waking up early in the morning, brushing our teeth twice a day, exercising regularly, taking a bath daily, eating fresh and healthy food, and not wasting food and water, etc.
Good habits can make our lives better. Greeting anyone by saying "Good Morning" or "Good Evening" is also a part of good habits. We should also give respect to others. These good habits are very important for being successful.
Tanveer Singh / VI

Nature is a beautiful creation of God. It is a precious gift to all of us living on the Earth. Nature is everything around us. It provides beauty to our environment. Without the amazing gifts of nature, human life would be dull and meaningless. It is the most important and essential part of our life, without which we can't survive. In today's world, as we know, pollution and many other activities are affecting our nature. So, we have to save and conserve nature.
Bhagini Ranawat / VI

 Interview with Aysha Ma'am 
REPORTERS/RP - Mohita Solanki and Vijeta Solanki
RP: What changes have you observed in the school's infrastructure and facilities over the years?
ATK: Over the years, I've observed significant changes in the school's infrastructure and facilities. The school has developed Computer technology, ATL Labs, and Science Labs. Additionally, transport facilities have increased, and new water coolers have been installed.
RP: What advice would you give to new teachers joining The Fabindia School?
ATK: To new teachers at The Fabindia School, I would advise them to focus on their work, be dedicated, and honest, and maintain high professionalism.
RP: Can you share a memorable moment or achievement from your years of teaching here?
ATK: One of the most memorable moments from my years of teaching here was when our school received the Green School Change Maker Award. It was a big achievement because our students and staff have worked together to make our school more environmentally friendly.
 Interview with Rajeshwari Ma'am 
REPORTERS/RP - Mohita Solanki and Vijeta Solanki  
RP: What motivates you to continue teaching at The Fabindia School after so many years?  
RRE: I'm motivated to continue teaching at The Fabindia School because of its green environment, the opportunity to learn with children, workshops for teachers, the pressure-free learning environment, and the school's home-like atmosphere.  
RP: What changes have you seen in the teaching methods and learning environment over the years?  
RRE: I have seen significant changes in teaching methods and the learning environment over the years. We now use activity-based learning, which makes classes more fun and interactive. We also use technology, like computers and digital tools, to help students learn better.  
RP: Can you share a memorable moment or achievement from your years of teaching here?  
RRE: Receiving the Green School Change Maker Award is my best memory from teaching here. Being recognized as one of the best schools was a great honor and reflects our commitment to providing a good environment for our students. Our school's mission has been to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainability, and it's wonderful to see the benefits of our efforts.  
RP: What advice would you like to give to the students?  
RRE: My advice to students is to focus on their goals and work hard to achieve a bright future. Also, feel free to share your concerns or troubles with us; we are here to help you.  
1. The printing press, which revolutionized the sharing of information, was invented by Gutenberg around the year 1440.
2. The name “sandwich” comes from an 18th-century aristocrat called the 4th Earl of Sandwich.
3. Scientists say tears tell you the reason for someone crying. If the first drop comes from the right eye, it’s tears of joy. Otherwise, it’s because of pain.
4. The longest-reigning monarch ever was Louis XIV of France. He ruled for 72 years, 110 days. Exhausting.
5. China is the world’s most populous country, with around 1.4 billion people living there.
1. Which word has 'kst' in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end?
Answer: Inkstand
2. Which bird do you associate with lifting weights?
Answer: A crane.
3. A barrel of water weighed 60 pounds. Someone put something in it and now it weighs 40 pounds. What did the person add?
Answer: A hole.
4. Nobody has ever walked this way. Which way is it?
Answer: The Milky Way.
5. What can go through glass without breaking it?
Answer: Light.
Dad: May I see your report card?
Son: I don’t have it.
Dad: Why not?
Son: I gave it to my friend. He wanted to scare his parents.

James: Why was the computer late for school?
Peter: I’m not sure.
James: He had a hard drive.

Christian: What is Harry Potter’s favorite school subject?
Haley: Defense against the dark arts?
Christian: No, it’s spelling.

Nate: Why was school easier for cave people?
Kate: Why?
Nate: Because there was no history to study!

Editorial In-charge: Anshuman Singh
Chief Editors: Leesha Suthar, Tamanna Solanki.
Interview Reporters: Siddhi Solanki, Beenita Sonigra/Vijita Solanki, Aaradhya Champawat, Mohita Solanki.
Event Reporters: Bhumika Rathore, Tanya Tripash.
Photographers: Suman, Tanishka Suthar, Tiya Sompura, Kesar Sompura.
Article: Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion, Chelsi Rao, Hetal Vaishnav.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni.

Volume No. 621 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar,  Ms. Tejal Soni, Mr. Krishna Gopal Dave  

The School Weekly 20th January 2025

News & Events
Making Mistakes 
Making mistakes is an important part of life. We learn from our mistakes. Mistakes are the best lessons of our lives. They happen unintentionally and without the knowledge of a human being.  
The only way to avoid mistakes is to never do anything. Therefore, it is necessary to make mistakes. But the question is: What happens when these mistakes we make, unintentionally, hurt the people around us? Is it the right thing to do then? Making mistakes is necessary because they are a learning experience for us. Through our mistakes, we learn about ourselves and even learn how to become better citizens of society.  
Utilize our slip-ups as stepping stones. Allow them to be lessons in how you can do things differently. They mold you to be the best version of yourself. At times, when you lie to your closest friends, whether intentionally or unintentionally, you don’t feel good about it. But when they find out the truth, they are hurt the most as you break their trust. At that time, you don’t really realize your mistake, but when the same thing happens to you, you understand the real mistake that you had made to them sometime back.  
Hetal Gehlot / VIII

गणतंत्र दिवस
गणतंत्र दिवस हमारे राष्ट्रीय पर्वों में से एक है। यह हर वर्ष 26 जनवरी को दिल्ली के राजपथ पर भी मनाया जाता है। इस अवसर पर होने वाली परेड हमारी शक्ति का प्रतीक चिन्ह है। 26 जनवरी 1950 में पूरे देश में कानून लागु किया गया था। हमारा देश एक लोकतंत्र राष्ट्र घोषित हुआ था। इस दिन हर जगह राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराया जाता हैं। सभी के मन में देश के प्रति देशभक्ति की भावना जाग जाती है। 
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिन्दुस्तान हमारा। 
कृतिका कुशवाहा / V
The Universe
The universe is very, very huge. It is made up of many stars, galaxies, the sun, the moon, clouds, etc. The color of the universe is 'cosmic.' The universe is also called space. In the universe, there are many massive and fascinating things. We can travel to the universe through rockets.
Mansvi / III
The Importance of School Library
Books play an essential role in every person's life. A library is a place where we find many exciting books like fairy tales, novels, poems, magazines, newspapers, and much more. As students, we learn a lot from the library. We usually issue a book and take it home for reading. After reading, we return it.
My school library has a wonderful collection of writings spanning genres like crime fiction, poetry, and novels. It has helped me improve my speaking and vocabulary skills. I love my school library because I can learn about so many amazing things from books every week. I eagerly wait for the library class to gain a new understanding of the world and enrich my knowledge and skills.
Avani Rathore / V
1. I’m a word of letters three; add two and fewer there will be. What am I?
Answer: Few.
2. I am an odd number. If you remove one letter, I become even. What number am I?
Answer: Seven.
3. The person who makes it sells it. The person who buys it never uses it. The person who uses it never knows they’re using it. What is it?
Answer: A coffin.
4. If you’re running a race and pass the person in second place, what place are you in?
Answer: Second place.
5. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?
Answer: Footsteps.
1. Human teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal themselves.
2. Google Images was created after Jennifer Lopez wore the green dress at the 2000 Grammys.
3. The tiny pocket in jeans was designed to store pocket watches.
4. The quickest commercial flight in the world is in Scotland.
5. There were active volcanoes on the moon when dinosaurs were alive.
1. Why did the math book look sad?  
   Because it had too many problems.  
2. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?  
   Nacho cheese.  
3. Why did the computer go to the doctor?  
   It had a virus.  
4. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?  
   An abdominal snowman.  
5. Why did the bicycle fall over?  
   Because it was two-tired. 

Editorial In-charge: Anshuman Singh
Chief Editors: Leesha Suthar, Tamanna Solanki.
Interview Reporters: Siddhi Solanki, Beenita Sonigra/Vijita Solanki, Aaradhya Champawat, Mohita Solanki.
Event Reporters: Bhumika Rathore, Tanya Tripash.
Photographers: Suman, Tanishka Suthar, Tiya Sompura, Kesar Sompura.
Article: Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion, Chelsi Rao, Hetal Vaishnav.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni.

Volume No. 620 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar,  Ms. Tejal Soni, Mr. Krishna Gopal Dave