March '14: After
much awaited excitement and apprehension, School declared its results on
Monday, 31st March, clubbed with a PTM. Parents visited the school with
their wards to collect results. Class Teachers and Subject Teachers
counseled parents on the future improvement on their performance. 99%
parents attended the PTM. One could see smiling faces as well as apprehensive
faces walking out of the campus with results in hand.
April '14: TFS
saw its new session begin on Wednesday, 2nd April. Bright faced students with a
spring in their feet were seen bouncing towards their classes for a new
beginning. Students were seen flipping through the pages of their new
books and surfing a cursory glance either in appreciation or apprehension!
Teachers had a real difficult time keeping the students quiet in the classes.
One to see a mix of keen face ready to study and those interested in whiling
away the time as a way of celebration for the beginning of a new year!
Our New Principal Ms. Deepika Tandon joined on Tuesday, 1st April. Since the school was closed for that day, she was welcomed by Mr. Atul Bhatt (Manager Training and Development).
On her first assembly on Wednesday, 2nd April, after introducing herself, she related her own student life and the lessons she has learnt from those years. She encouraged all to change the campus language to an English speaking one. Whether in broken phrases or sentences, she encouraged all to support each other in this effort by not laughing on those who would try to speak in English. She comes from a rich background of 25 years - she has taught in schools like The Scinda School, Mayo College, Mayo College Girls School, India International School, Jaipur and few ore. Her passion is teaching and empowering teachers and students to drive the school to new heights. Apart from running the newsletter for Scindia for 10 years, she has done the Round Square newsletter called Echo for 5 years. TFS welcomes her and wishes her a very rewarding tenure.
The whole week has been a busy one with everyone getting new books, new classes and new teachers for a new session. Book store has been a hub of activity with parents buying uniforms and books and submitting fees in office.
Our New Principal Ms. Deepika Tandon joined on Tuesday, 1st April. Since the school was closed for that day, she was welcomed by Mr. Atul Bhatt (Manager Training and Development).
On her first assembly on Wednesday, 2nd April, after introducing herself, she related her own student life and the lessons she has learnt from those years. She encouraged all to change the campus language to an English speaking one. Whether in broken phrases or sentences, she encouraged all to support each other in this effort by not laughing on those who would try to speak in English. She comes from a rich background of 25 years - she has taught in schools like The Scinda School, Mayo College, Mayo College Girls School, India International School, Jaipur and few ore. Her passion is teaching and empowering teachers and students to drive the school to new heights. Apart from running the newsletter for Scindia for 10 years, she has done the Round Square newsletter called Echo for 5 years. TFS welcomes her and wishes her a very rewarding tenure.
The whole week has been a busy one with everyone getting new books, new classes and new teachers for a new session. Book store has been a hub of activity with parents buying uniforms and books and submitting fees in office.
April 14 : TFS
has started with a new system at the school gate. Now a guard has been
posted at the entrance gate to keep a check on visitors. Visitors are
given an I Card; they are asked to enter data in a register like-the person
they would like to meet/time/contact number/ purpose and time of leaving. This
is specially to keep a track on visitors and give a more secure environment to
April 14 : The
Khan Academy videos on a Raspberry Pi computer were installed in the Learning
Lab. Raspberry Pi is a plug and play, simple, server solution to play the Khan
Academy videos where no internet access is available. Students of Class IX
& X have enjoyed the session and looking for many more such session.TFS welcomes the new dance teacher Mr. Ravi Gaud, students of Class V to VIII started their dance classes with the new teacher. Students danced to endless music; they learnt new steps on certain beats; they were taught the difference between a tap dance and regular dance. Students responded energetically to the new activity. Other students were seen peeping in the room to see what was being taught. It was heart warming to see student response to this new activity. Other classes attended games sets, music, computer, art & craft, moral science and G.K.
of View
knows it is a subject for the one who is interested in literature but I know
and you also know that today art is considered a subject for losers. Is
literature for losers? Is learning literature, a wasteful thing? If it is so,
then why do we study English and Grammar? Teachers always tell us that whatever
we learn is useful. Here or somewhere else, in one's life these things will
help. Many of us would like to take Arts as it is the subject of interest but
parents want us to take Math or Science for they say that there is no scope in
Arts? It is only for those who do not want to study. Our society has labeled a
statement that "Arts is for losers". Whatever the people say I am
going to take Arts as I want to become an actor when I grow up.
Akshay Rajpurohit (Class - XI)
Compiled by Bharti Rao and published every week.
Compiled by Bharti Rao and published every week.