ED: Which was your batch year?
HC: 2005 - 2015
ED: Did you participate in any activities? Mention them.
HC: Yes, I participated in many activities which mostly included sports activities like basketball, football, etc. Other than that I used to participate in activities like extempore competitions, singing competitions, dance competitions., etc.
ED: Which was your favorite spot in the school?
HC: In the school my favorite spot was the area behind the classrooms and the basketball court.
ED: What are you doing these days?
HC: These days I am pursuing my B.Sc. BioTech. 2nd year from Mohanlal Suhadia university, Udaipur.
ED: What have you learned from The Fabindia School?
HC: I have learnt a lot from the Fabindia School, I think however I have developed as a student or a person it is just because of the Fabindia School. I thank all my teachers who encouraged me to take part in activities which developed my speaking skills as well as my presentation skills.
ED: What are your memories of the School?
ED: What are your memories of the School?
HC: In my memories I remember each and every precious moment spent in the Fabindia School may it be with my friends, teachers, etc.
ED: What message would you like to give our students?
HC: Enjoy every beat of the School life because it is most precious time of our lives. As you see the college life in the movies it is never like it so, enjoy the present moment don’t waste it for the future.

Saturday, 23rd February: PLP Session was conducted in the School in which the Educators had their session with their Action Teams. They worked on Fedena and completed their attendance, updating of students profile , marks entry etc.

Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal,, Ms Swabhi Parmar, Mr Jafar Khan, Harsha Suthar, Anumesh Rao, Ipshita Rathore, Archana Koratkar, Meenakshi Choudhary, Vinita Sirvi, Charu Vaishnav, Varun Malviya & Ronak Devda.