Summer is at its peak. Scorching sun has taken the life out of everybody. Days are longer, hooter, while nights are shorter but not so cool as Rajasthan would experience. Highest temperature recorded was 44°C and lowest at 29°C. Humidity was at 19% and the wind blew at 14km/hr SW.
Thursday, 7th May: Mr. Dinesh Bharti and Mr. Gajendra Mewara returned from Delhi where they had gone to attend the Solid Waste Management and Green School Workshop, organized by CSE, Delhi, for one day on 6th May’15. They were given certificates by the Principal in the Assembly. They also shared their experience and advised every student to participate in making the school green.
Report on Solid Waste Management
दिनांक 6 मई 2015 को CSE तुगलकाबाद नई दिल्ली में वेस्ट मैनेजमेंट तथा ग्रीन स्कूल प्रोग्राम की एक कार्यशाला आयोजित की गयी जिसमे भारत की 28 स्कूलों के साथ फैबइंडिया स्कूल से दिनेश भारती तथा गजेन्द्र मेवाड़ा ने भाग लिया। उन्होंने आयोजित कार्यशाला में विद्यालय द्वारा पर्यावरण सुरक्षा तथा जल संरक्षण सम्बन्धी किये जाने वाले बारे में वृस्तृत चर्चा की गयी। विद्यालय द्वारा सोलर ऊर्जा प्रयोग, वृक्षारोपण, वर्षा जल संग्रहण तथा विद्यालय के जंगल के बारे में चर्चा की गयी। साथ ही विद्यालय के यातायात साधनो को विद्यालय परिधि से बाहर रखने और बच्चों द्वारा जन्मदिन पर चॉकलेट नहीं लाने जैसे कार्यक्रमों की सभी उपस्थित विद्यालयों ने सराहना की। विद्यालय के ग्रीन स्कूल प्रोजेक्ट के लिए अन्य जानकारी भी दी गयी।
दिनेश भारती
Friday, 8th April: A Special Assembly was conducted to mark World Red Cross Day. Blessy Maria/XI/DH, Kritika Mansion/X/GH, Radhika Singh/X/GH, Shivraj Singh/X/TH and Khushi Rao/X/GH on what Red Cross Society promotes humanitarian principles and values; Disaster response; Disaster preparedness and Health and Care in the Community.
The School thanks all those students, teachers and peons who gave their monetary contribution for cancer patients and for this good cause.
Aylette Jennise’s Interview
ED: How was your experience with the Class when you visited?
AJ: When I visited the Class II, I was not experienced in what we call in America ESL. English is a second language in India. So to see the teacher say a sentence in English, then the children repeat it was really very interesting. When it was necessary she would speak in Hindi and most of the time the teachers would speak in English. I was impressed to see mostly the entire little children could read English and I call this is a good way of teaching. The teacher of Class II Ms. Sharmila was a very forceful, energetic and very interactive teacher. And the teacher of Class I was little different, she was more quiet but the children were paying attention. I have seen two different styles of teaching.
ED: What are your views about the Indian education system and American education system? How can we compare both these systems?
AJ: I can say this is a huge question. I can barely think about that. I don't know much about schools. Well the school I remained in the most was quite informal, so by comparison this school seems formal. But I think it’s much less formal than many Indian schools. And I am impressed with the eagerness and excitement in the school students. I think that I see more here than I do in America.
ED: What suggestions would you like to give us to develop the school?
AJ: That's a very hard question because I feel so new to be here. I guess one of the ideas is to encourage more creative thinking in students and less emphasis perhaps on repeating back what the teacher said. More attention should be paid to creative thinking. But I am very impressed with the school. I haven't seen yet the art work of the school, but I was a photographer myself and an artist. One must age as an artist. Art is important for me. And I yet don't know what place art has in this school for I have not seen it in the school.
ED: How old is the JBSF?
AJ: Oh! Dear you asked me another hard question and I don't know the answer. My understanding is that John's sister Marie originated this - the person always In Charge of the fund. I don't know when it started. I was not a part of it in the beginning I was asked to join it about 5 years ago. We meet twice a year, we meet at John sister’s house. I and Marine talk about how the fund is going and how more charges we can add to raise the fund. Katherine Allen is her mother and she is the one who really can answer where I can ask the question at the beginning of the JBSF fund. But mostly the donors friends of the family or relatives who are the donors. We have never gone to ask help from any other organizations to raise funds.
ED: Do you also face some challenges in raising up the funds?
AJ: Yes, I think at the moment we are limited by a circle of friends and me need about other sources. I think we need to be get connected to the Indian American Community. And need to be make contacts with Mr. Sandeep Dutt to see funds there.
ED: Are the members of JBSF till now only Americans?
AJ: I think, Yes.
ED: Do the donors ask any questions when they give funds?
AJ: This is a sort of house-keeping question. This is the confusion what to tell the donors. Originally, we used to say that you have to give 250 dollars which will go to a rural school. But Mr. Dutt said it is a kind of marketing. We need to educate our donors that they are contributing to the educational world.
ED: When they give money are they interested to know right to the digit zero? Where the money is going or how it is used?
AJ: I don’t think so, particularly. They come to know by looking at the website. Honestly we get so many requests for funding from so many organizations. It becomes so over warming, so we ask Katherine to make a Newsletter full of human interest. .
ED: What message would you like to give to the students and staff?
AJ: Congratulation for building a wonderful school. I am so impressed. And good luck will live to continue. The school is wonderful. It is so calm, peaceful. The students act independently. I am just impressed .A lot of change has come. I would love to come back next year and see the Art Work.
Thank You Ma’am for your suggestions about creative thinking and contribution in the JBSF
Khushi Rao/X/GH
Kritika Mansion/X/DH
Blessy Maria/XI/DH.
Report on Solid Waste Management
दिनांक 6 मई 2015 को CSE तुगलकाबाद नई दिल्ली में वेस्ट मैनेजमेंट तथा ग्रीन स्कूल प्रोग्राम की एक कार्यशाला आयोजित की गयी जिसमे भारत की 28 स्कूलों के साथ फैबइंडिया स्कूल से दिनेश भारती तथा गजेन्द्र मेवाड़ा ने भाग लिया। उन्होंने आयोजित कार्यशाला में विद्यालय द्वारा पर्यावरण सुरक्षा तथा जल संरक्षण सम्बन्धी किये जाने वाले बारे में वृस्तृत चर्चा की गयी। विद्यालय द्वारा सोलर ऊर्जा प्रयोग, वृक्षारोपण, वर्षा जल संग्रहण तथा विद्यालय के जंगल के बारे में चर्चा की गयी। साथ ही विद्यालय के यातायात साधनो को विद्यालय परिधि से बाहर रखने और बच्चों द्वारा जन्मदिन पर चॉकलेट नहीं लाने जैसे कार्यक्रमों की सभी उपस्थित विद्यालयों ने सराहना की। विद्यालय के ग्रीन स्कूल प्रोजेक्ट के लिए अन्य जानकारी भी दी गयी।
दिनेश भारती
Friday, 8th April: A Special Assembly was conducted to mark World Red Cross Day. Blessy Maria/XI/DH, Kritika Mansion/X/GH, Radhika Singh/X/GH, Shivraj Singh/X/TH and Khushi Rao/X/GH on what Red Cross Society promotes humanitarian principles and values; Disaster response; Disaster preparedness and Health and Care in the Community.
The School thanks all those students, teachers and peons who gave their monetary contribution for cancer patients and for this good cause.
Aylette Jennise’s Interview
(A JBSF Member)
(ED: Editor, AJ: Aylette Jennise)ED: How was your experience with the Class when you visited?
ED: What are your views about the Indian education system and American education system? How can we compare both these systems?
AJ: I can say this is a huge question. I can barely think about that. I don't know much about schools. Well the school I remained in the most was quite informal, so by comparison this school seems formal. But I think it’s much less formal than many Indian schools. And I am impressed with the eagerness and excitement in the school students. I think that I see more here than I do in America.
ED: What suggestions would you like to give us to develop the school?
AJ: That's a very hard question because I feel so new to be here. I guess one of the ideas is to encourage more creative thinking in students and less emphasis perhaps on repeating back what the teacher said. More attention should be paid to creative thinking. But I am very impressed with the school. I haven't seen yet the art work of the school, but I was a photographer myself and an artist. One must age as an artist. Art is important for me. And I yet don't know what place art has in this school for I have not seen it in the school.
ED: How old is the JBSF?
AJ: Oh! Dear you asked me another hard question and I don't know the answer. My understanding is that John's sister Marie originated this - the person always In Charge of the fund. I don't know when it started. I was not a part of it in the beginning I was asked to join it about 5 years ago. We meet twice a year, we meet at John sister’s house. I and Marine talk about how the fund is going and how more charges we can add to raise the fund. Katherine Allen is her mother and she is the one who really can answer where I can ask the question at the beginning of the JBSF fund. But mostly the donors friends of the family or relatives who are the donors. We have never gone to ask help from any other organizations to raise funds.
ED: Do you also face some challenges in raising up the funds?
AJ: Yes, I think at the moment we are limited by a circle of friends and me need about other sources. I think we need to be get connected to the Indian American Community. And need to be make contacts with Mr. Sandeep Dutt to see funds there.
ED: Are the members of JBSF till now only Americans?
AJ: I think, Yes.
ED: Do the donors ask any questions when they give funds?
AJ: This is a sort of house-keeping question. This is the confusion what to tell the donors. Originally, we used to say that you have to give 250 dollars which will go to a rural school. But Mr. Dutt said it is a kind of marketing. We need to educate our donors that they are contributing to the educational world.
ED: When they give money are they interested to know right to the digit zero? Where the money is going or how it is used?
AJ: I don’t think so, particularly. They come to know by looking at the website. Honestly we get so many requests for funding from so many organizations. It becomes so over warming, so we ask Katherine to make a Newsletter full of human interest. .
ED: What message would you like to give to the students and staff?
AJ: Congratulation for building a wonderful school. I am so impressed. And good luck will live to continue. The school is wonderful. It is so calm, peaceful. The students act independently. I am just impressed .A lot of change has come. I would love to come back next year and see the Art Work.
Thank You Ma’am for your suggestions about creative thinking and contribution in the JBSF
Khushi Rao/X/GH
Kritika Mansion/X/DH
Blessy Maria/XI/DH.
Friday, 8th May: Students of the Pre-Primary Section went on a picnic to Dantiwara. The students enjoyed and had fun in the heart of nature. They also saw many different kinds of animals, plants flowers and trees. Many games were organized for them. On their return to school a small prizes giving was organized, where they were distributed prizes for the activities held during the month of April/May.
Saturday, 9th May: Mother’s Day which is held on 10th May was celebrated in advance as it was School’s last day. Khushi Rao/X/GH sang a song dedicated to Mother “Tu kitni Aachi hai tu kitni bholi hai, pyari pyari hai” and Pooja Dutta/XI/GH spoke how did Mother’s Day originate and why it is celebrated all over the world.
School wishes Archana Koratkar/VI/GH and Khushbu Chouhan/VI/TH A Very Happy Birthday! School sang a song for them in the Assembly.
Prize Distribution for students of the Primary Section was held to honour student winners in the Inter House Recitation Competition and Lemon Race organized in April /May.
150 students had participated in the National Art Festival organized in the School December 2014. School received it awards, medals and certificates. All the students were awarded participation certificates. Three students were awarded Gold Medals for making beautiful greeting cards. Khushi Rao/X/GH, Parineeta Sheikh/X/GH and Ankush Sirvi/III/RH were awarded Gold medals. We are proud of Ankush Sirvi/III/RH as he not only bagged a Gold Medal but was also awarded a cheque of two thousand rupees for his beautiful Art work.
Holiday homework was given by teachers in all the classes. It was the last day for the students.
मेरी सहेली
मेरी सहेली
मेरी प्यारी सहेली,
लगती है मुझे पहेली
उसको पसंद है केला,
कभी नहीं छोङा मुझे अकेला
खोलती है दिलो के राज,
मुझे है उस पर नाज़
रिश्ता है हमारा सबसे न्यारा,
अलग है दोस्ताना हमारा |
Varsha Solanki/X /TH
None other like my mother
I’m incomplete without my mother.
Mother is a noun.
Mother is a verb.
Mother is a feeling,
That is superb.
Mother is a flower
That flourishes forever
And a fragrance, that
Spreads everywhere.
Mother is an expression
That expresses love.
Mother is a creature
As innocent as dove.
Mother is a nature.
Optimistic teacher.
Mother is a loving,
Caring, successful creature.
Penning down a mother’s portrait,
Is a dare some task.
None can be complete without her,
You may go and ask.
Khushi Rao/X/GH
Saturday, 9th May: Mother’s Day which is held on 10th May was celebrated in advance as it was School’s last day. Khushi Rao/X/GH sang a song dedicated to Mother “Tu kitni Aachi hai tu kitni bholi hai, pyari pyari hai” and Pooja Dutta/XI/GH spoke how did Mother’s Day originate and why it is celebrated all over the world.
School wishes Archana Koratkar/VI/GH and Khushbu Chouhan/VI/TH A Very Happy Birthday! School sang a song for them in the Assembly.
Prize Distribution for students of the Primary Section was held to honour student winners in the Inter House Recitation Competition and Lemon Race organized in April /May.
150 students had participated in the National Art Festival organized in the School December 2014. School received it awards, medals and certificates. All the students were awarded participation certificates. Three students were awarded Gold Medals for making beautiful greeting cards. Khushi Rao/X/GH, Parineeta Sheikh/X/GH and Ankush Sirvi/III/RH were awarded Gold medals. We are proud of Ankush Sirvi/III/RH as he not only bagged a Gold Medal but was also awarded a cheque of two thousand rupees for his beautiful Art work.
Holiday homework was given by teachers in all the classes. It was the last day for the students.
मेरी सहेली
मेरी सहेली
मेरी प्यारी सहेली,
लगती है मुझे पहेली
उसको पसंद है केला,
कभी नहीं छोङा मुझे अकेला
खोलती है दिलो के राज,
मुझे है उस पर नाज़
रिश्ता है हमारा सबसे न्यारा,
अलग है दोस्ताना हमारा |
Varsha Solanki/X /TH
None other like my mother
I’m incomplete without my mother.
Mother is a noun.
Mother is a verb.
Mother is a feeling,
That is superb.
Mother is a flower
That flourishes forever
And a fragrance, that
Spreads everywhere.
Mother is an expression
That expresses love.
Mother is a creature
As innocent as dove.
Mother is a nature.
Optimistic teacher.
Mother is a loving,
Caring, successful creature.
Penning down a mother’s portrait,
Is a dare some task.
None can be complete without her,
You may go and ask.
Khushi Rao/X/GH
Monday, 4th May: DEAR was held as usual. FA1 was conducted in all the classes.
Tuesday, 5th May: FA 1 continued.
Friday, 8th May: Editorial board meeting took place in the Lunch Break, in the Principal’s office, where correspondents were promoted to editorship. In July the board will meet again to choose its new correspondents.
Our congratulations to:
Hindi Editors English Editors
Khushi Rao/X Kritika Mansion/X
Jaswant Singh/ X Nikhil Soni/X
Bhanupratap Singh/X Priyank Rathod/X
Adityapratap Singh/X
NOTE: The School is closed for Summer Vacations from 11th May’15 to 30th June’15. The School reopens on 1st July’2015.
Tuesday, 5th May: FA 1 continued.
Friday, 8th May: Editorial board meeting took place in the Lunch Break, in the Principal’s office, where correspondents were promoted to editorship. In July the board will meet again to choose its new correspondents.
Our congratulations to:
Hindi Editors English Editors
Khushi Rao/X Kritika Mansion/X
Jaswant Singh/ X Nikhil Soni/X
Bhanupratap Singh/X Priyank Rathod/X
Adityapratap Singh/X
NOTE: The School is closed for Summer Vacations from 11th May’15 to 30th June’15. The School reopens on 1st July’2015.